The Hairdo: Seeing the Forest and the Trees


Trump sided with Putin over U.S. Intelligence agencies,

Speaker Nancy Pelosi had her hair washed and blow-dried.

Trump said that the white supremacists and anti-Semites at Charlottesville had good people among them,

Speaker Nancy Pelosi had her hair washed and blow-dried.

Trump separated children from their parents and lost the records to reunite them,

Speaker Nancy Pelosi had her hair washed and blow-dried.

Trump did not respond to Russian bounties on our troops in Afghanistan,

Speaker Nancy Pelosi had her hair washed and blow-dried.

Trump pardoned convicted felons to keep them from involving him,

Speaker Nancy Pelosi had her hair washed and blow-dried.

Trump let the worst pandemic in 100 years go inadequately addressed resulting in hundreds of thousands of deaths and millions afflicted,

Speaker Nancy Pelosi had her hair washed and blow-dried.

Trump has severely damaged American institutions including the State Department, the CDC, the FDA and others,

Speaker Nancy Pelosi got her hair washed and blow-dried.

Trump fired key independent inspectors examining corruption in government agencies,

Speaker Nancy Pelosi got her hair washed and blow-dried.

Trump has used the government for personal financial gain in the hundreds of millions of dollars at his hotels and resorts,

Speaker Nancy Pelosi got her hair washed and blow-dried.

Trump Foundation and Trump University were closed and heavily fined for corrupt practices,

Speaker Nancy Pelosi had her hair washed and blow-dried.

Trump poked our intelligence agencies in the eye, yet again, by overriding their analysis that the Trump daughter and son-in-law were compromised and should not get a top secret security clearance,

Speaker Nancy Pelosi had her hair washed and blow-dried.

Trump has weakened our international alliances, notably as a member of NATO, moving troops from our staunch and democratic ally and major NATO partner Germany to Poland, now in the hands of an authoritarian,

Speaker Nancy Pelosi had her hair washed and blow-dried.

Trump has had a “love” affair with Kim Jong Un, the cruel dictator of North Korea, weakening our military alliance with South Korea, without gaining a thing and looking foolish,

Speaker Nancy Pelosi had her hair washed and blow-dried.

Trump is under investigation for long-standing business corruption and tax fraud,

Speaker Nancy Pelosi had her hair washed and blow-dried.

Trump is a flagrant liar (greater than 20,000 lies or flagrantly misleading statements as of July 2020, and has misled the American people about the profundity of the pandemic, treatment of disease, their health insurance coverage, social security, Medicare, and other matters critical to the life of middle-class Americans,

Speaker Nancy Pelosi had her hair washed and blow-dried.

Trump encouraged and accepted Russian interference in the US election in 2016 and called for hacking of the democratic candidate’s email server,

Speaker Nancy Pelosi had her hair washed and blow-dried.

I could go on indefinitely. Need I?


This piece was written when in early September 2020, the Republicans in Congress and right-wing commentators on Fox News slammed Nancy Pelosi when surveillance footage from a hair salon in San Francisco was released to the press. She was told by the stylist that even though hair salons were closed by City ordinance if they only had one person in the shop, it was okay. She had a mask on but she was taped walking from one chair to another in the salon for a shampoo and her mask was down at her neck. The story died pretty quickly and she said she was “set up”. The latter was probably true, otherwise why release footage to a news outlet.


Deserving but Unrecognized: the Forty-First Seat